The best evidence-based post-workout meals 🍽

A post-workout meal is basically the meal we consume after our resistance training or cardio session. 

Post-workout meal aims to satisfy the following 2 objectives: 

1. Increase protein synthesis while minimising protein breakdown: aka the rebuilding process of repairing damage caused during the workout and putting the body in an anabolic state to build muscle. 

2. Replenish glycogen stores that have been depleted during the workout: this helps to keep us energised for the rest of the day, provides our muscle the necessary fuel for the next workout and prevent any muscle breakdown. 

A. Protein Guidelines Post-Workout

Protein is the most important and essential macronutrient we want to include in our post-workout meal as it is responsible for kickstarting muscle protein synthesis as well as the growth & recovery process of our muscles. 

The best type of protein to include in our post-workout meal will be fast-digesting protein sources. This is proven with research indicating that it promotes post-workout anabolism to a greater extent and in a faster manner as compared to the slower-digesting protein sources. 

Hence, the best option would usually be whey/plant protein powders. Lean meats and egg whites are viable options as well as they are relatively faster-digesting protein sources. 

It is recommended to consume at least 20g – 40g of protein post-workout to stimulate maximum protein synthesis and ensuring we also hit our daily protein intake by the end of the day too. 

B. Carbohydrates Guidelines Post-Workout

Carbohydrates mainly serve to replenish any muscle glycogen that have been depleted during the workout that will help improve our performance and energy levels by the next workout.  

Research has also shown that consuming carbohydrates with protein after exercise increases growth hormone levels to a greater degree as compared to consuming protein alone. This leads to a more favourable anabolic environment for growth & recovery. 

Hence, consuming carbohydrates in our post-workout meal is likely optimal, even though our body will eventually fill its glycogen stores back up as long as we consume enough carbohydrates for the day regardless of whether we had them within our post-workout meal or not. 

The best type of carbohydrates to include in our post-workout meal is high glycemic index carbohydrates as it can provide the most rapid increase in muscle glycogen after workout as compared to a lower glycemic index carbohydrates. 

White/sweet potatoes, white rice and rice cakes are a few examples of high glycemic index carbohydrates. We should also consume fruits as it improves digestion and fluid delivery when combined with glucose from carb sources that are not from fruits. 

It is recommended to consume at least 25g to 30g of carbohydrates within our post-workout meal to replenish our glycogen levels most effectively and create an anabolic environment for optimal muscle growth. 

C. Fat Guidelines Post-Workout

We do know that adding fats to a post-workout meal does not further boost protein synthesis and certain types of fat may actually delay the digestion of carbohydrates. 

This does indicate that minimising fat post-workout may be ideal to replenish glycogen and promote anabolism the fastest while keeping the risk of GI distress low.

In conclusion, post-workout nutrition is just one of many aspects that we want to get right in order to build muscle most effectively because we know that we are not going to see results if we are not optimising all aspects of our nutrition and training too. 

If you find this blog post article helpful, feel free to connect with me on all my social media platforms to stay up to date with my content. πŸ“²

For those looking to gain muscle & lose fat while simultaneously getting leaner & stronger in the process, do schedule your complimentary personal training consultation to explore the possibilities of working together & providing you valuable takeaways that you will find it beneficial to get started! πŸ“§

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ACE Personal Fitness Trainer

Body Transformation Coach

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